Saturday 30 July 2011

Emirates Cup.. The Same Old

So it's that time of year again, for when the whole world stops and turns their attention towards the Emirates Stadium in North London for a weekend of exciting, extravagant and sublime free scoring football!

Okay I'm somewhat exaggerating this inaugural tournament. There is no importance in winning this tournament at all, as since its debut three seasons ago in 2007, Arsenal have won two out of the three previous tournaments with Hamburg in 2008 winning this prestigious trophy laid in a mass of history behind it (clearly not).

This years participants are of a different flavour of football or soccer as one team may say. Paris Saint-Germain, also known as PSG from France have experience in this tournament already. Boca Juniors of Argentina will bring flair to the game and no doubt when they score their commentator won't just stop at... GOAL! New York Red Balls from the United States are also a different kind of opposition. For many years United States didn't have any appeal and only in the last few years has the love of soccer... ah hem... football has grown. Their national team shows this. The rise has happened ever since David Beckham's move to LA Galaxy. However New York Red Bulls have their own figure head in none other than Arsenal's greatest player in history and record goal scorer, Thierry Henry.

I'm glad he's back at the Emirates, and as funny as it sounds I want him to score at the Emirates, even if it were to be against us. Like Thierry says, his true home will always be Highbury. But he's still a top class player.

We face Boca Juniors today (Saturday) and then we face Henry's team tomorrow in what will be the 'title' decider. The greatest thing about this tournament is the fact us Arsenal fans can get the opportunity to see new signings (not many have been made) like Gervinho and also we can spot potential talent from youth. But most importantly to see the return of the King, most likely one last time playing on Arsenal territory.

I'm not attending the Emirates Cup as I'm still boycotting Arsenal. I'll have other means of watching the Sunday match as I can't view today's game. But what I do know is it's great to finally see this tournament arrive as you know the beginning of the league season isn't too far off now.

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