Sunday 18 September 2011

Just Own Up to the Obvious

I haven't written or posted a piece on Our Arsenal for a while since our humiliating defeat to Manchester United (I don't need to remind you of the score) and also our deadline day excitement of several players joining the club.

Since that day we have endured an International break, which we though would help the dust settle and hopefully bring us back with a fighting spirit to try and get our performances raised and a chance to have at least a false hope of any challenge (which I don't believe we have any capability in the slightest).

The match against Swansea didn't fill us fans with any confidence. Arteta was somewhat of a presence in central midfield with some decent passing, but he's no Cesc Fabregas and we won't ever find a player with his ability to find a pass, although Arteta does have some ability to find a killer pass. The scoreline was a lucky one with a gifted goal, which was still a decent finish from Arshavin.

We've missed Gervinho's directness and this showed against Dortmund in the Champions league, but even though we could have won the game, a sublime finish made us draw the game 1-1. It was a hard scrappy draw. Germany is not an easy place to go, especially against the champions of Germany.

The defeat to Blackburn showed some of the old Arsenal back, but most in terms of bad defending. Why can we never sort this position out? Santos looked decent, Mertesacker looks slow. Gervinho and Arteta both got their debut goals for the Gunners. That was the only real spark. The two own goals from Song and Koscielny summed up our lack of defending.

You have to face it Arsenal fans, we're not the team we once were, I'm not even going as far as the 1998, 2002 and 2004 invincible teams. I only have to go as far as last year, because this team has changed and it'll take a few years to form any type of challenge. The teams dynamic has changed, it doesn't have the ability to play quick touch passing. We have to adopt a more direct play, which in this league you need to have. Wenger must not try to make a team made for the Champions League.

But van Persie is the only world class player we have left, so the fans have to wake up and notice we're just not a top 4 team anymore with the players at our disposal. In this case maybe it'll force our hand to play more as a team. It's still early days of the team gelling together. But keep your expectations realistic because we're no longer a force in English football.

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