Monday 29 August 2011

The Day Enough Became More Than Enough

Yes that is right! I'm talking about yesterday's humiliating defeat to Manchester United. Yes, the scoreline in itself was humiliating, but it was an embarressment of who we had on the pitch. We only had like 8 players out and for a team as big as us we should have equally as good replacements to come in.

Just face it Arsene & Co. We're just a mid table team at best now. No spending on big players year in year out in vital positions has cost us. Our fans yesterday were brilliant but no response from the team because they're so poor.

2 days left in the transfer market and we'll sign Park Chu-Young (don't know what he'll offer!), and I doubt anyone else because it's taken so long already!

Wenger and the board may have built up Arsenal but you've destroyed it too, just like you did at Monaco!

I'm glad you were defeated in this manner, but Arsene, you still won't change your stubborn ways!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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