Monday 29 August 2011

Transfer Window Countdown: 2 Days

So 2 days left in the transfer window, yet we are yet to see any type of marquee signing, or in fact any signing to encourage the fans or team since the arrival of Gervinho.

Transfer Speculation:

Yossi Benayoun - Chelsea

The central attacking midfielder who is like Luka Modric, could prove to be a shrewd move, but Yossi has tonnes of Premier League experience at the highest level for Liverpool and albeit not so much at Chelsea. He's creative and doesn't get much playing time at the Blues. May be some truth to this.

Andres Santos - Fenerbahce

This is one Brazilian with flair, unlike Denilson. He has skill in abundance and the video below says it all. Apparantly we've struck a deal for this attackign elft back from Fenerbahce for £6.2 million. The left winger turned left back is a Brazilian International and plays for the biggest club in Turkey. However how is his defensive ability compared to his attacking. If it proves to be the same, we would have one hell of a player on our hands. To be honest this could have some truth as we've sold on Armand Traore to QPR.

Gary Cahill - Bolton Wanderers

This transfer saga (and it has become a saga) is almost as long as the Fabregas transfer saga. Why can't we do what Barcelona have done and just get our man in the end. He clearly wants to come to Arsenal, Arsenal clearly want him. Just sort the fee out and help yourselves a little to ease the pathetic defending we saw against Manchester United. Cahill apparently has a a medical arranged for him before the window shuts, I just hope the door doesn't slam shut in our faces.

Eden Hazard - Lille

So... we're back to another player who we've been linked for a while. SA similar type of transfer to that of Nasri from Marseille to Arsenal. The fear is that Arsenal would be a stepping stone to Barcelona, Real Madrid or Manchester City. He is a quality player and will link up well as a front three with himself, van Persie and Gervinho. He, like Cahill, has apparently had a medical arranged for him to make the process of the transfer being as easy as possible.

Those two medical's are likely to be tomorrow. They have to be, we can't mess around come August 31st!

Park Chu-Young - Monaco

As I have already released a post on Park Chu-Young, I won't dwel too much on it. But Wenger said we are close to signing a striker. This can only be him. Arsenal do their business quietly, but usually we know before release any kind of statement. The wonders and speed of the Internet for you!

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