Thursday 30 June 2011

Manchester City Close to Signing Not One.. But Two!

If rumours are led to believe, Manchester City are honing in on Clichy for around £7m and Nasri for £20m. With the already increasingly look of Fabregas departing for Barcelona, losing another two first teamers is quite extreme. However Clichy hasn't been at his best since the Birmingham City game where Eduardo had his ankle and leg mauled.

Nasri on the other hand has played at a top level for half a season out of his three years at Arsenal. Albeit he could continue this form into the rest of his career, he hasn't contributed a great deal to the club.

Personally I don't think either two would be a big loss. Okay, it's to rivals who will only strengthen them but we made the players they are today, so to sell them on for a large profit and bring in other quality players in their position (which we must do!), then I'd say they can leave for pastures new.

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